Friday, August 31, 2018

Health & Beauty (agarwood product)

Health & Beauty (agarwood product)

Jenis-Jenis produk lain berasaskan Gaharu dibawah jenama MRSOL adalah kami seperti
1) Pewangi Kereta RM12 (Gaharupuri MRSOL)
2) Pewangi Kereta Liquid RM35
3) Pewangi Kereta Gantung RM25
4) Balm Gaharu RM25 (25g)
5) Premium Oud Massage Oil RM35 (12ml)

1) Pewangi Kereta RM12 (Gaharupuri MRSOL)
"bila kena aircond..baunya perghhh! itu biasa-lah kan
Yang luar biasanya tak nak "benda" menumpang dalam kereta
semasa memandu seorang diri waktu senja dan tengah malam!"

Video Gaharupuri MRSOL

2) Balm Gaharu RM25 (25g)

Sayangnya..muka dah flawless, tapi tumit merekah + menggerutu!

Ramai surirumah mahupun yang bekerjaya hari ini, ambil ringan dengan keadaan tumit kaki yang pecah, merekah..lagi teruk sampai menggerutu kasar..muka dah flawless, tapi tumit kaki, adoii sakit mata nengoknya!

Balm Gaharu MRSOL ini merupakan balm yang boleh membantu menyelesaikan masalah tumit kaki pecah dan menggerutu anda. Balm ini wangi dan bauannya lembut serta tidak panas.

Selepas rendaman kaki dengan air suam atau selepas membasuh kaki, sebelum tidor dan waktu pagi, hanya perlu sapu balm gaharu ini pada tumit kaki dengan sapuan lembut. Mudah dan wangi baunya.

Kami yakin dan percaya, insyaAllah dengan menggunakan Balm Gaharu MRSOL ni, sis akan melihat perubahan pada tumit kaki sis, kesan rekahan akan beransur hilang, sis akan dengar ‘Eh, tumit kaki awak dah licin, cantik, dan bersih!’ , dan sis akan merasakan diri lebih yakin untuk berketerampilan setiap hari...kredit dan olahan daripada MRSOL Siti Khadijah

Video Balm Gaharu Kajian Professor Dr Baharuddin Salleh

Manfaat Balm Gaharu MRSOL
Balm Gaharu MRSOL bagus untuk kegunaan luar bagi melegakan daripada :
♦sakit pinggang dan belakang
♦sakit-sakit otot
♦sengal sendi
♦luka-luka kecil
♦terkena air panas
♦tumit pecah
♦gigitan serangga
♦sakit kepala akibat stress
♦melegakan pernafasan
♦kembung perut
Risalah Manfaat Balm Gaharu MRSOL rujuk disini

Testimoni Pengguna Balm Gaharu MRSOL
Mr Kevin Leow antara pelanggan setia mengakui kehebatan Balm Gaharu MRSOL

3) Premium Oud Massage Oil RM35 (12ml)
Agarwood Enriched Ointment atau Oud Oil Treatment atau Oud Treatment Oil merupakan nama yang sama ini ialah minyak aroma terapi yang digunakan untuk massage (urut)

Ini hasil penyelidikan Ibu Siti Nurdijati Baharuddin dan Profesor Dr Baharuddin Salleh mantan TNC USM.

Bahan utamanya :
Pati Gaharu Asli.
Minyak Kelapa Dara.
Minyak Zaitun Asli.
Minyak Herba tempatan.

Sangat bagus untuk mengurut lepas bersalin, kembung perut dan lemah sendi-sendi penat berkerja

Risalah Manfaat Premium Oud Massage Oil rujuk disini

oleh Penceramah Bicara Qarin, Ustaz Mohd Ali Sabri Abdul Rahman

Kekal Sihat Dan Cantik Bersama MRSOL
Hubungi tim Oud Perfume Original MRSOL
HOTLINE : +601138459769
Regional Manager MRSOL Kuala Lumpur

Health & Beauty (agarwood cosmetics)

Health & Beauty (agarwood cosmetics)

Jenis-Jenis Kosmetik berasaskan Gaharu seperti berikut

1) Krim Gaharu RM50 (6g)
2) Sabun Muka Gaharu RM21.90 (20g)
3) Sabun Muka Gaharu RM29.90 (30g)
4) Handwash Gaharu 2in1 RM19.90 (200ml)
5) Srcub gaharu RM39.90
6) Foundation Gaharu RM49.90

1) Krim Gaharu RM50 (6g)
Cream Gaharu putih ni harganya mahal RM50.00 satu.
Sebab MAHAL adik kakak belilah. Belajar memiliki barangan mahal dan asli.

💌 Opps JANGAN pakai dekat pipi si cantik merah tau..pakai celah dada, dekat nadi, celah peha dekat miss universe tu. Kasi wangiii.

Barulah suami cakap..WOW!! WANGI nya. Dapat baby lagi JANGAN salahkan MRSOL pula 😅

💌 Pakaikan dekat bayi di waktu senja dan tidur malam sangat digalakkan. ASBABnya In sha Allah benda-benda ghaib yang tak elok berbaunya terus pergi. Ia menjauhkan gangguan makhluk halus.

💌 Kalau ibu-ibu rasa kulit kering dan tak selesa, selain wangi, krim gaharu putih MRSOL yang dibuat dari campuran pati gaharu, lemak kasturi dan estrak susu kambing ini juga dapat melembut dan melembapkan kulit. Tiada lagi rasa rengsa..

Kekal Sihat Dan Cantik Bersama MRSOL
Hubungi tim Oud Perfume Original MRSOL
HOTLINE : +601138459769
Regional Manager MRSOL Kuala Lumpur

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Kenapa Wangian Gaharu MRSOL


1) Kami telah mempunyai pelanggan setia pelbagai. Rujuk Testimonial Wangian Gaharu MRSOL

2) Kami mempunyai Ladang Gaharu kami sendiri. Rujuk Ladang Gaharu MRSOL

3) Kami mempunyai Outlet Wangian Gaharu kami sendiri. Rujuk OUTLET Wangian Kayu Gaharu

4) Kami memenangi anugerah inovasi 2012. Rujuk Anugerah Asia Pacific Innovation Award 2012

5) Kami pernah di wawancara media tempatan. Rujuk Ariffin Embong Jutawan Inovasi Gaharu

6) Founder kami Anak Tempatan, Pekebun Gaharu & CEO berwawasan tinggi. Rujuk Kenali MRSOL

7) Wangian Gaharu penuh manfaat tercatat dalam hadis. Rujuk Hadis Perubatan Sains Gaharu

8) agen kami merata di Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei, Indonesia. Rujuk AGEN, DROPSHIPPER, KUMPULAN DROPSHIPPER

9) acapkali PROMOSI giler-giler diadakan untuk dirasai semua golongan. Rujuk Promosi TERHAD

10) Kami buat sendiri Bukhoor daripada 100% Kayu Gaharu. Rujuk Bukhoor ASLI MRSOL

11) Paling BEST, kami buat sendiri Wangian Gaharu tanpa alkohol, sumber 100% HALAL, Wangian Gaharu Original MRSOL Branded, Manual dan Handmade. Rujuk YOUTUBE dibawah ini


Sunday, August 19, 2018

Gaharu Perfume Original MRSOL Branded

Gaharu Perfume Original MRSOL Branded

The word perfume is used today to describe scented mixtures and is derived from the Latin word, "per fumus," meaning through smoke. ... Perfume was further refined by the Romans, the Persians and the Arabs. Although perfume and perfumery also existed in East Asia, much of its fragrances were incense based.

Historically, France is the biggest exporter of fragrance, particularly in the Occitane region, which is home to many fragrant herbs, such as lavender. We continue to use French terms today. There is virtually no difference between perfume and parfum. Parfum is the French term for perfume, so they can be used interchangeably and basically perfume and parfum give the same meaning

Perfume is a mixture of fragrant essential oils or aroma compounds, fixatives and solvents, used to give the human body, animals, food, objects, and living-spaces an agreeable scent

Fragrances are complex mixtures of what people in the industry refer to as raw materials. These raw materials can be extracts from natural sources (derived from plant materials, trees, flowers, spices, herbs, animal) or synthetic raw materials (created through chemical synthesis)

Oils are dissolved using distillation process OR using a solvent to preserve a pleasant concoction of scents. The higher the concentration of oils – the greater the strength of the fragrance. The strength determines how long an application of the fragrance lasts on your skin 

Fragrance is a unisex, generic term used for perfume. Fragrances come in many forms and are called different names but generally fall into these categories :

Eau Fraiche – The most diluted version of fragrance, usually with 1% – 3% perfume oil in alcohol & water. Usually lasts for less than an hour (The word “Fraiche” means Fresh in English)
Along with the fragrance, the remainder of eau fraiche is mostly water

Cologne (Eau de Cologne) – Oldest term for perfume, used in North America for masculine scents. Light, fresh and fruity, typically composed of 2% – 4% perfume oils in alcohol and water. Tend to be used in fragrances for younger people. Usually lasts for about 2 hours

Toilette (Eau de Toilette) – A light spray composition with 5% – 15% pure perfume essence dissolved in alcohol. Usually lasts for about 3 hours (meaning toilette is the process of washing oneself, dressing and attending  to one's appearance)

Originally Cologne is a German city with a bit more than 1.000.000 inhabitants inside the city boundaries. One of the first internationally (very) succesful perfumes was made in Cologne in the beginning of the 18th century. Its name was (and still is to today) "Kölnisch Wasser" which translates to "Water of Cologne" or "Eau de Cologne".

Perfume (Eau de Parfum) – Historically genderless, used to describe both men’s and women’s fragrances.  The best term used to describe a fragrance. Contains 15% – 20% pure perfume essence and lasts for about 5 to 8 hours (”Eau” means water in French “De” means from)

Perfume – The most concentrated and expensive of all fragrance options. Slightly oilier, perfume, or parfum, is composed of 20% – 30% pure perfume essence. A single application of perfume can last up to 24 hours. This category normally don’t use spray. Perfume is applied directly to the skin on pulse spots insides of the wrists, behind the ears, at the throat and etc…

MRSOL Perfume (Wangian Gaharu MRSOL) – is composed of 70% – 90% pure perfume essence

MRSOL Essence Oil (Pati ASLI Gaharu MRSOL) – is composed of 100% pure perfume essence

MRSOL is a Local Malaysian brand. We manually produce the parfum using an agarwood as a based. MRSOL is a special and unique because we already have a loyal customer, we do have our own Agarwood Farm, our own OUTLET, won of Innovation Award 2012, been interview by local media, our founder was a local great gardener, agarwood was come from heaven with full of its own benefits, we already recruits agents all over Malaysian, Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei and Indonesian, almost every months we do the mega promotion, we process our own Bukhoor using 100% agarwood itself and the best parts are all of our PERFUME or PARFUM are manually handmade, using 70%-90% pure perfume essence (which balance are water and solvent) in our own secret formula of fragrances that makes our PARFUM ORIGINALLY MRSOL BRANDED

Original Product Branded MRSOL
Hubungi tim Oud Perfume Original MRSOL
HOTLINE : +601138459769

Regional Manager MRSOL Kuala Lumpur

Testimoni Kami

Testimonial Wangian Gaharu MRSOL

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